TriDosha Principle in Ayurveda

Dosha- Tri-Dosha Principle.

Doshas are called the basic govering factos of physiology. Vata, Pitta and Kapha , 3 doshas are fundamental bodily bio- elements. They are responsible for maintaining the normal functions of the body.

The doshas are consisting of different combinations of  5 elements (Panchamahabhutas)
💨Vata- Akash+Vayu, 🔥Pitta- Fire, ❄Kapha- Prithvi+ Aap
According to Ayurveda, this universe and every substance in it is consists of the combination of these 5 elements so the human body (Pinda) but with soul.

Vata is light, Pitta is hot and Kapha is Heavy and watery in basic nature. 

Doshas are always present in our body,  they determine growth, aging, sleep, digestion ,elimination and all physiological processes.  Dosha changes their nature according to Diet, Seasons, Climate and several factors. When Doshas are out of balance, they are mainly responsible for the birth of various diseases in the body.

In every individual one of the three doshas is always predominant and that determine one’s Prakriti-(Nature) -Body constitution or Mind –Body type. Prakriti is a natural status of a human being. It is made on the basis of doshas only.

“वायूः पित्तं कफश्चेति त्रयो दोषाः समासतः||” ( वा.सू 1)

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are tridoshas  described succinctly.

The properties and functions of tridoshas are completely different from each other but they don’t prove to be internally destructive and opposite to each other instead they work as together for all physiological processes of the human body in balanced state.

Let’s see the Dosha in details,
the first dosha is Vata dosha,  Vata Dosha is made up of Vayu+ Akash. (Air+Space). It has Sense of touch predominates.

The Qualities of Vata dosha are Dry, Light, Rough, Cold, Subtle, Mobile, Rapid. Functions of Vata dosha in Body are Inspiration, Expiration, Pulsation, Enthusiasm, Movements, Elimination, Circulation. Tridosha are situated all over the body. But 5 types of each dosha are explained in old texts which possesses specific sites in body and their specific functions.

5 Types of Vata Dosha-

🌼 Prana- Situated in Brain. Controls hearts, sense organs and mind.

🌼 Udana- Located in Chest. Activates the functions of Voice, Speech, memory, Enthusiasm, Strength.

🌼 Vyana- Situated in Heart. Controls all functions of the body and blood circulation.

🌼 Samana- Located in Stomach-Gastric fire. Controls intestinal area. Digestion, Assimilation.

🌼 Apana- Situated in Pelvic region. Controls all the processes of excretion in body, Labour, Menstruation, Sexual acts.

The second Dosha is Pitta Dosha!!! Pitta is made up of Agni (Fire). It has Sense of Sight 

The Qualities of Pitta Dosha are  Hot, Sharp, Light,Soft, Slightly Unctuous, Pungent, Acidic in nature. Functions of Pitta in body- Digestion, Metabolism, Heat and energy production, Urge of Appetite and thirst, Lustre, Colour, Intellect, Body glow, Softness, Vision.

There are 5 Types of Pitta Dosha-

🍁 Pachak- Located in Stomach. Digestion, helps in differentiation between nutrients and waste from food.

🍁 Ranjank- Situated in liver, Spleen, Somach. Gives colour to Blood.

🍁 Sadhak- Located in Heart. Heartly functions, intellect, Sense receptors, Ego.

🍁 Alochak- Situated in Eyes. Vision. Visual receptors.

🍁 Bhrajak- Located in Skin. Skin functions, Keeps Skin Hydrated and lustrous.

The third Dosha is Kapha Dosha. Kapha is made up of Prithvi+Aap(Earth+Water) . The Qualities of Kpaha Dosha are Heavy, Cold, Soft, Slimy,Dull, Smooth, Stable,Slow.

Their Functions  in body are Lubrication of joints, Stability in body ,Structural shape of body, Fluid balance ,Heaviness, Healing, Vitality, Plumness, Affection, forgiveness, Understanding.

❄Types of Kapha Dosha-

❄ Avalambaka-  Situated in chest and Heart. Gives Nutrition.

❄ Kledaka- Located in Stomach. Helps in Digestion. ❄Bodhaka- Situated in mouth over tongue. It gives sense of taste.

❄ Tarpaka- Located in Brain. Gives nutrition to brain and all sensory organs.

❄ Shleshaka- Located in joints. Gives lubrication to joints.

Many factors are responsible for the imbalance of dosha which create diseases further. So it is very important to keep them in balance for normal bodily functions.


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